1. Tell different drivers of your aims early
Abrupt stops, turns and path changes frequently lead to mishaps since they get different drivers off guard. Thus, one of the fundamental principles of defensive driving is to obviously convey to different drivers precisely what you are going to do. Consequently, it is pivotal that your brake lights, head lights, signal pointers and other driving lights are working.
2. Being unsurprising makes a difference
Having every one of your markers already is perfect however they would not help a lot on the off chance that you cannot be unsurprising. Defensive driving is inseparable from being unsurprising - you do what you are generally anticipated to do. On the off chance that you are flagging a left turn, make a left turn. Try not to flag that you are going left then abruptly turn right. Furthermore, in no way, shape or form, do not continue to flag a left or right turn then, at that point, only going on for a significant distance and miles.
3. Know where you need to go
The principal rule of defensive driving is: know where you need to go. There is nothing very as risky as making an unexpected turn or stop, which is something that drivers do when they are, cannot say much about where they are going. Likewise for driving gradually then out of nowhere zooming quick. To go, you are presumably befuddling others out and about too. In the event that you are lost, leave your vehicle and recover your course.

4. Regularly practice flagging
One of the most mind-blowing defensive driving strategies is to flag each time you turn or switch to another lane. Like that, you never get different drivers off guard. Regularly practice flagging. Regardless of whether the street has all the earmarks of being abandoned and there appear to be no different vehicles around, flagging your plan is dependably a phenomenal defensive driving practice.
5. Caution others as you stop or dial back
While making a full stop or dialing back out of the blue, it is a decent defensive driving procedure to tell different drivers of your aim. You can do this by tapping the brake pedal multiple times so your brake lights blaze and sign in others behind you that you are dialing back or halting. This is particularly significant assuming the driver behind you is driving quick and drawing nearer rapidly New York defensive driving.
6. Attempt to expect the most terrible in others
It might sound critical and a decent rule to continue throughout everyday life except, in defensive driving, it pays to expect the errors of different drivers out and about. For example, numerous drivers regularly signal a turn however do not turn by any means. In the interim, others do not flag by any means and afterward out of nowhere turn.